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Friday, June 3, 2011

Get In Shape Cake

I normally don't do a ton of cake carving.  It is never as easy as I think it is going to be.  I thank goodness that I spent all of those years in sculpture class.  Thank you Professor were right, I was wrong (mark this day down on your calenders, people, this is rare).
Soooooo, of course I decide to do a shaped cake for my oldest child's teacher for the end of the year.  He has mentioned to the kids about 1,000 times that he really wants a white Corvette, so I am going to make him one out of cake. 
I looked at tons of Corvette pictures online and picked out the ones I really liked.  It seems that I like an old school Corvette the best.  It has some shape to it, but I think I can pull it off.  Here is the picture I like best:

I hope it looks as good in white!

I started out by baking two 11x15 cakes.  I know it is big, but I wanted to make sure there would be enough cake for 30-40 people after it was carved. I cut two inches off of the cakes lengthwise to put on top.

To be honest, at this point I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it.  It seemed like mission impossible.  I had read somewhere that cake was easier to carve if it was into the freezer it went!  I was mentally preparing myself to actually start cutting.  Anxious!

 I took off LITTLE pieces at a time.  I was probably more cautious that I needed to be, but I figured better safe than sorry.  After I finished shaping it I put it back in the freezer while I made a batch of buttercream.  Covering the cake in buttercream was actually the most difficult part...I would suggest throwing the cake back in the freezer when the cake starts pulling away.  I think it turned out pretty well, though!

Back into the freezer.  I actually left in in overnight, but that was because it was late and I was too tired to try to cover it in fondant.  I think it was the right move because this morning I was itching to get it covered!  I made the fondant this morning.  I know you are supposed to let it sit in the refrigerator for a night, but when I am covering something large or awkward I like to do it when the fondant is super pliable (this really takes some practice, so I wouldn't try it on an important cake the first time you do it).

I am really happy with how it looks so far!

I know there is a dent in the "windshield", but that will be covered with black fondant later.  I pushed a lot of the extra fondant into the wheel wells.  All in all I am pretty impressed with it.  I will post a picture of the finished product later, but let me know what you think so far!


  1. Awesome job Shelby! Can't wait to see it completed!!

  2. well from what I hear he really likes sweets it will be an awesome gift!it looks super awesome so far!looking forward for the end result...which I am sure will be as soectasular as always!

  3. That is so awesome! I love it!

  4. i can't wait to see what this looks like when it's all done!

  5. Hey Shelby!! This is Sarah, joannes soon to be sister in law. (I sat next to you at the shower) I was looking for cake pictures and I came across your site. Your cakes are AMAZING!!! I think it's so cool that you
    make your fondant from scratch. Is it hard?? I was also wondering if you made the cake cake from scratch. What flavors are your favorite?? Well anyway, thought I'd just let you know that these cakes are pretty awesome and you should keep posting pics and tips because they are really helpful:) I am on a creative streak right now and I think I'm going to try and make those Minnie mouse cup cakes:) thanks for the ideas!!! See you at the wedding!! ;)

  6. Thanks Sarah! The fondant is easy to make, you could totally do it.
    My favorite cake flavors to make are french vanilla and chocolate fudge. If you have any questions feel free to email me at
