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Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Mother of Invention

First I want to let you all know that I STILL haven't finished the plastic bag tote.  Hopefully I will have enough bags by vacation because I wanted to take it to the beach with us.  I promise to keep you updated.

So I have found that when it comes to cake decorating I am always in need of some random yet specific tool.  Let me try to explain.  I have an order for "Back to School" cupcakes coming up for a clothing store.  They requested that they be decorated with jeans.  No problem I thought.  Not so easy.  I searched everywhere for a jeans shaped cookie cutter, no luck.  I finally came across what I was looking for least I thought.

The cutter I ordered is beautiful.  it is handmade riveted copper.  The problem with it is that it is 2" wide, not 2" high.  It easily 6" high...which is too big for cupcakes. ;)

 I was sure I would just have to make my own...but how do you make cookie cutters?  I am happy to report that I found a way.  First was a trip to Home Depot.  When I asked the nice gentleman who worked there where the aluminum flashing was he asked me what I was going to use it for.  I told him cookie cutters.  I really wish I had a picture of the look on his face...not the answer he expected!  I also picked up some JB Weld (epoxy cold weld) and some electrical tape.

These are the directions I used as a guide (because I always like to do it my own way).

Instead of clamps I used the electrical tape. Electrical tape won't stick to the epoxy if any of it happens to leak out.  Other than that I pretty much followed the directions from cake central.

So far I have made two pair of jeans, a teardrop, a surfboard, and a towel.  This is SOOOO great.  It has saved me so much time because I don't need to hand-cut each shape.  I am so excited to know how to do this!


  1. could you pass on to your sister in law a smidge of your creativity!!!??? Those turned out awesome!!!!!!

  2. they look great! I know they will be awesome!

  3. Yay Shelby! I love walking into Home Depot and stumping the guys who are trying to be "so helpful." Some day women will be able to walk into a hardware store (or a comic book store) without some guy being patronizing. :P
